These days, there are so many unique ways to support your favorite cause. Take, for example, Triangle Fraternity from the University of Toledo. They’re hosting a charity Twitch stream on Saturday, Oct. 24, that will benefit Habitat Monroe! 

The guys of Triangle Fraternity have been coming out to support Habitat Monroe for at least a decade. The frat consistently brings out volunteer groups to our build sites, as well as pursuing other charitable causes.

“Triangle has a saying that we are building better men to build a better world,” fraternity philanthropy chair Tom Franczyk said. “I view my work with Habitat as the start of my work to build a better world.”

In October alone, Triangle Fraternity has volunteered twice and another build day scheduled for November. This fraternity of engineers, architects, and scientists are always willing to use their skills on our build site. 

“It is immensely satisfying to work with Habitat for Humanity, as your progress really is visible,” sophomore Evan Elliot said. “Along with that, something like a soup kitchen is useful to a person the day they go, while Habitat defines a long term solution to people’s problems.”

Now, they’re using their other skills, video-game-playing, to support Habitat Monroe! Through the popular streaming app Twitch, the guys will be doing a 12-hour live stream, from 10 a.m to 10 p.m, playing their favorite games, including Among Us, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, League of Legends, and Town of Salem. Viewers will be encouraged to donate through the stream or directly at

Due to COVID-19 concerns, this fundraising stream is taking the place of their semi-annual philanthropy dinner, which they typically hold to raise funds for the organizations they support.

Serving the community has always been a priority for the fraternity, which was founded in 1907. 

“While we may appreciate volunteering, the experiences and attitudes brought to us by the workers at Habitat Monroe have been impactful on my personal life,” sophomore Nick Ziegelmeyer said. “I’ll never regret working at Habitat.”

The stream can be watched at

Thank you, Triangle Fraternity!

Triangle Frat: A Decade of Support