Once again, it’s been shown that you don’t have to be a certain age to give back to your community.

Recently, Habitat Monroe received a donation of nearly $200 from the Washington Local Soccer Club. The little league soccer team is made up of kids that are 7 years old and younger. The team got the idea to gather donations as a thank you to their photographer for the season, Jennifer Hockenberger, Habitat Monroe’s volunteer and media relations manager.

The ten kids and their parents, along with coach Josh Bock, came together to raise $173 for Jennifer’s Home Run for Habitat Campaign. “I’m donating in support of Jennifer’s passion,” wrote Heather Webb on the campaign page.

The online fundraiser runs alongside baseball season and gathers donations for Michigan’s Habitat affiliates. The donations are then matched by Consumers Energy.

Habitat Monroe greatly appreciates all of the support it receives. There’s no better time to join the Habitat team, as we begin work on our 100th home in Monroe County.  For more information about how you can partner with Habitat Monroe, please visit 100th Home Celebration