Giving Tuesday, created in 2012, is an official holiday promoting global generosity in the midst of Christmas consumerism. The official day takes place on the Tuesday that follows Black Friday but Habitat Monroe is encouraging its supporters to start their holiday-giving a little early this year. 

Habitat Monroe put a unique spin on the holiday of giving this year by introducing the Giving Toolsday campaign. This campaign offers supporters the opportunity to directly purchase supplies from an Amazon wishlist. This way, supporters can see exactly how their donation is being used and immediately feel good about their contribution. 

It’s no secret that 2020 has been hard for non-profits for many reasons. The rising cost of lumber and other building materials has thrown a metaphorical wrench into the year’s budget. Building affordable housing is no longer affordable for Habitat and fundraising during a global pandemic, while recognizing that funds are tight for most people right now, has proved to be a challenge. 

On this wishlist, you will find items for everyone’s budget so that if you usually support Habitat Monroe but aren’t sure if you can swing it this year, there are options. To you, it may just be a hammer or Gorilla Glue. But to the hard-working family who will be able to have a home because of your donation, it means stability. It means having a place for their children to grow and thrive that they wouldn’t have otherwise had. 

Contributors of Giving Tuesday, much like Habitat Monroe’s supporters, can know that they are a part of something bigger than just their individual contribution. The holiday in 2019 raised over $500 million for non-profits all over the world. That kind of support, the collective global community coming together to support one another is the exact purpose of Giving Tuesday. This year’s holiday will be a bright spot in what has already been a bleak year. 

To participate in #GivingToolsday, visit to purchase a tool, or multiple, for the Habitat Monroe construction staff. Don’t stop there though, be sure to show off your support and post about your donation, using the tag #GivingToolsday, and encourage your friends to match your gift. 

Habitat Monroe could not carry out its vision, a world where everyone has a decent and affordable place to live, without YOU. Habitat Monroe is a grassroots organization, meaning that its people helping people and giving back to their own communities. You can feel good and satisfied knowing that your donation will towards something that will truly improve your very own community.