$13,500; YOU all made THAT happen!  

Some of you may remember that during the spring, as we all sheltered at home, we launched our 2020 Challenge. The idea was to ask 20 people to donate $20 to Habitat Monroe, who would then ask 20 of their friends to donate $20. Funds donated would then be matched by Consumers Energy during their Power of Home campaign. 

As Habitat Monroe dealt with Michigan’s stay-at-home orders that affected our program, ability to build and stalled ReStore sales, we had to rely on our faith to know that funds would still somehow come together and we could continue to serve our community. We were truly reminded of the power of home and the power of our people

Even while everyone was isolated, you all came together to raise more than $13,000 for affordable housing in the community through this 2020 Challenge! Thanks to you, Habitat Monroe will continue to be able to help local families achieve homeownership and stability, and provide hope during a time that is filled with uncertainty. 

Just the Facts:

  • 172 people donated, that’s almost 9 chains of 20 people 
  • The average donation was $78, even though we only asked for $20
  • Habitat Monroe came in fifth place among Michigan’s Habitat affiliates that also raised funds for this campaign 

This campaign has reminded us of the undeniable power of our supporters and we are immensely grateful that people gave what they could. This year has been a difficult time for nearly everyone but this 2020 challenge only stood to show that in times of need, we will show up for each other #NeighborsHelpingNeighbors. 

The next time you’re thinking about donating to Habitat Monroe, just remember that just $20 could go so far in your community and that together, we can create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Learn about your impact.